2020 is on its way out the door and although I am ready to kick the door shut behind it, there is a part of me that wants to say my proper goodbyes. Every year, at this time, I take some time to reflect on the year behind me. I take the time to count the blessings, forgive myself for mistakes, come to terms with regrets but most of all, I focus on the lessons. 2020 brought with it no shortage of lessons!
I have always said that the people I wake up to every morning are the ones that matters most. Never, have I been more right about anything. In March, when all we had was the people we wake up with, it was make it or break it! Every family has its unique dynamics. Ours is no exception. For the most part, our home is very peaceful and we co-exist and live in harmony, with a splash of yelling and witty comebacks.
Like most families, the first lockdown, could have gone either way. I was proud of how we managed. The boys stayed busy. I was thankful for our industrial space we use for my husband's landscape business. It was a blessing. The boys spent a ton of time there working on their motorcycles. Yes, I did say morocycles. My 23 year old got a motorcycle and his M licence. I love to ride on the back of my husband's, bike, but my son on a bike was not something I thought I could handle. The lesson he taught me was that he was sensible and a lot more cautious than I gave him credit for. He took the responsibility seriously and I am grateful. The motorcycle also helped carve out some father and son time, for which I am also grateful.
Our 18 year old suffered some losses. As a twelvth grader, she missed out on many milestones, one of them being prom night. The dress had been bought and there were big plans. I thought for sure, that it would break her. I was wrong. The lesson here was that she learned, that although prom sounded exciting, she quickly realized that her best friend was that one person that mattered most when all was said and done. So they dolled themselves up as though they were attending prom and they had my eldest shoot some gorgeous shots of them in their very expensive prom dresses. She will always have that. I learned that my daughter is far more resilinet than I give her credit for and that prom dresses in this day and age are VERY expensive!
My eldest celebrated a huge milestone. Her boyfriend and her had been saving and planning for a home purchase for a couple of years and this year they finally realized that goal. They purchased their first home and on their closing day, he proposed to her in the foyer of their new home. She said "yes"! I am incredibly proud of both of them. The lesson for me in all of this is still to come I think. She is offically moving into her home with her fiance this weekend. I will have to learn how to live without one of the people I wake up to every morning. It is a lesson that will be hard to learn. I will miss the extra dishes all over the island and the extra shoes sprawled all over the front entrance. I am sensing that the lesson will be, "Careful what you wish for when you wish for a clean house, a quiet house".
My Real Estate career brought a ton of lessons as well. I am grateful for an incredible year, the absolutely beautiful human beings God has brought to me as clients and the lessons and challenges that came along the way.
I look forward to more lessons in 2021. Whatever come my way, I accept it with an open heart and an open mind. I wish you and your family a peaceful year. I wish that when you wake up every morning, your home is filled with love and an abundane of good health.
Blessings to your Family Home from Ours
Susana Medeiros